Transaction status request.
The name of the initiator initiating the request. Sample: This is the credential/username used to authenticate the transaction request.
Encrypted credential of the user getting transaction status. Sample: Encrypted password for the initiator to authenticate the transaction request.
Takes only the 'TransactionStatusQuery' Command ID.
Unique identifier to identify a transaction on Mpesa. Sample: LXXXXXX1234.
This is a global unique identifier for the transaction request returned by the API proxy upon successful request submission. If you don’t have the M-PESA transaction ID you can use this to query. Sample: AG_20190826_0000777ab7d848b9e721.
Organization/MSISDN receiving the transaction. Sample: Shortcode (6-9 digits) MSISDN (12 Digits).
Type of organization receiving the transaction. Sample: TransactionStatusOrganizationType.BuyGoods.
The path that stores information of a transaction. Sample: https://ip:port/path or domain:port/path.
The path that stores information of timeout transaction. Sample: https://ip:port/path or domain:port/path.
Comments that are sent along with the transaction. Sample: A sequence of characters up to 100.
Optional parameter. Sample: A sequence of characters up to 100.