This is a global unique identifier of the processed checkout transaction request. Sample: ws_CO_DMZ_123212312_2342347678234
This is a global unique Identifier for any submitted payment request. Sample: 16813-1590513-1
This is a Numeric status code that indicates the status of the transaction submission. 0 means successful submission and any other code means an error occurred. Sample: 0
Response description is an acknowledgment message from the API that gives the status of the request submission usually maps to a specific ResponseCode value. It can be a Success submission message or an error description. Sample: The service request has failed, The service request has been accepted successfully
This is a numeric status code that indicates the status of the transaction processing. 0 means successful processing and any other code means an error occurred or the transaction failed. Sample: 0, 1032
Result description is a message from the API that gives the status of the request processing, usually maps to a specific ResultCode value. It can be a Success processing message or an error description message. Sample: 0: The service request is processed successfully., 1032: Request cancelled by user